Welcome to sethar.com!

I put this website together to share my technical expertise with others. Within you will find technology resources I've found handy, walkthroughs on how to perform certain tasks for your computer, likely causes of common error messages you can see, and various scripts I've written or modified to perform various tasks. This website itself is also serving as hands on training with web programming and HTML5.

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Well, the day has come and Windows XP finally meets it's end. What does it mean for people still using Windows XP? You can click the link to the right (titled Windows XP End of Life) for Microsoft's summary on the subject.

In a nutshell, the world will not crumble down around you and your computer will not be rendered instantly useless - but as time goes on you will become more and more vunurable to exploits, which puts your data at risk. In addition to data compromises, device manufacturers will stop supporting XP in their products so new printers, scanners, and other devices will not work with your computer.


Below is a list of things I put together for this website.

  • Walkthroughs

    A list of tutorials I've assembled to show you how to do various tasks.

  • Resources

    Helpful resources that I have come across over the years to assist with tech support.

  • Scripts

    An archive of most of the VBS scripts, Powershell Scripts, Batch Files, etc. I have written, modified, or hacked together over the years. Inside each zip is a readme file explaining the purpose and functions of the script.

  • Articles

    Here you will find the articles on a variety of topics I have written over the course of working on my web page.

  • BSoD Errors

    The most common BSOD codes I run across on this page along with a list of what I've seen cause them. Generally you'll find some very frequent offenders on blue screens.

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Who am I?

  • Seth Wilkerson

    Computer & Network Technician

    I've been working in the technology industry for over 15 years in various roles.